How do you make your products?
All products are hand-crafted in small batches by me, so please be patient with restocks! I’m always open to custom orders, so get in touch if there’s something specific you need.
Are your products vegan?
All of my products except the lip balm are vegan. Different equipment is used to prepare the lip balm as opposed to the vegan products.
How can I access concessionary consultation slots?
Drop me an email to see if there are any slots available, then we’ll discuss the price from there. I want my readings to be as accessible as possible, so please try to be as honest as possible about your financial situation and I will try to accommodate you.
Am I eligible for long-term spiritual counselling?
I’ll decipher whether or not we would be able to work together on a long-term basis through the initial consultation. If you have any enquiries about how more long-term collaboration would work, please do get in touch.
What type of reading is best for me?
For beginners, I recommend a natal chart interpretation. Throughout the consultation I will take necessary steps to ensure that you gain the knowledge that you seek, and that the areas of life that are of particular interest are those which we explore with the most depth. If you have a specific question in mind, a horary reading is always the most direct answer.
Can readings be delivered in a language other than English?
Unfortunately, I’m unable to provide consultations in any other language. However, I’m happy to provide a written transcript of the consultation for an additional fee. Any transcripts can be translated, however that will be the responsibility of the client.
I’m looking for a BSL interpreter for consultations.